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Another Sickle Cell Media Win: Dr. Phil Addresses SCD on His Show

January 18, 2016 by Andrea
Photo: YouTube/Screenshot

Photo: YouTube/Screenshot


We still have a long way to go, but in the past few months, some mainstream media has begun to recognize the existence and the importance of educating people about sickle cell. We brought you news of those first primetime airings right after their debuts back in October. And thanks to @Sickle_Life, we're bringing your attention to another discussion of SCD that aired in December on the Dr. Phil show.

In the segment, which you can watch below, Dr. Phil talks with Heather, who was diagnosed with sickle cell while she was still in utero. She gives a very detailed account of what it's like living with SCD and describes the pain she goes through sometimes as being "a 10 out of 10." She says, "It feels like someone is ripping off a limb and pouring glass into your veins and expecting you to keep living normally."

This video is the perfect tool to use when helping others understand and empathize more with the truth about what sickle cell warriors live with. Watch it below and share with others.


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