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How Writing Poetry Can be Therapeutic for Sickle Cell Warriors

December 19, 2017 by Andrea

Photo: CreateHer Stock

Sometimes, there are things you want to say that others may not be willing -- or ready -- to hear. Whether that's because they can't handle the emotion of the moment, are too busy, or something else is preventing them from truly being present with you, you'll need to find another outlet for your pain. Writing is one option.

There's  a reason experts often suggest writing to express feelings -- it can truly be therapeutic. "This is much more than simply trying two write pretty sentences," states an article from Psychology Today. "It is about singling out experiences, events, and people that contributed to one's life. Seeing cause and effect, understanding psychological processes can significantly increase self-understanding." Even better? Your writing doesn't have to come in the form of a long essay or memoir. Short poetry has been a go-to coping strategy for generations of people. 

A very introspective form of writing, poetry can help people process and come to terms with their life experiences.  According to this article in The Telegraph, "The act of writing about personal experiences has a cathartic effect because it inhibits parts of the brain linked to emotional turmoil and increases activity in the region to do with self-control." The article continues, "The mere action of writing about an emotion [is] a way of calming down the brain and re-establishing mental balance." 

The next time you need to center yourself, try letting your feelings flow through verse. Here's a little inspiration to get you started (reading poetry is good for you, too!): 

Sickle Cell Warriors Poetry
Power Poetry
Poetry Soup

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