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The Anatomy of a Hospital Go-Bag

October 2, 2014 by Andrea


A couple of weeks ago, a new show called The Red Band Society premiered on Fox. Following the lives of a group of teenagers who reside in a hospital, this show inspired this week's blog post: How to prepare for your SCD child's hospital stay. 

As you know, a crisis can crop up without warning and require a trip to your nearest medical center. And if you're not quite prepared for that to happen, you may find that you and your child are stuck in a hospital room for days without changes of clothing, toiletries, schoolwork and work necessities, or any form of entertainment, among other things. So, what should you pack? Check out our suggestions here: 

The Anatomy of a Go-Bag 

1) Cell phone and charger. Your cell phone can, of course, have multiple uses: a phone (naturally) and a source of entertainment, such as music. Be sure to throw some headphones in the bag, as well, so that you and your child can listen to music without disturbing anyone else who may be staying in the room.

2) Laptop. If you or your child has any work that needs to be done, this will definitely come in handy. You can also use your laptop to jot down any questions you may have for the doctor and to keep you and your child occupied (think Netflix). 

3) Toiletries. You may be staying for a few days, so be sure to bring all essentials, such as toothbrushes and toothpaste, contact lenses and cleansing solution, deodorant, facial cleanser, hair supplies, regular prescription medications, etc. 

4) Changes of clothes. And underwear. Plan to pack at least three days worth, and then, if your stay ends up lasting a little longer, you can always run home and pick up extras. 

5) Fun Stuff. You may get sick of only watching Netflix and the hospital TV, so make sure you pack other entertainment options, such as board games, card games, books, and toys. Speaking of toys, it's also a good idea to pack a few of your child's favorite stuffed animals for bedtime. A stash of your favorite snacks and a few water bottles are also suggested. 

Don't be caught off guard -- fill your go-bag with these items, keep it in your car, and you'll be ready for whatever comes your way!

Do you have a go-bag ready? What did you pack in yours? Tell us in the comments below! 

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